| Miracleous island - Olkhon! Mongols believed it was the center of the universe. It stretched lengthwise Baikal in almost 100 kilometres, got separated from the Bolchoye Sea by the eastern shore, from the Maloye - by the western one, - lied between two seas. Are there many islands like that in the world? The southern end of Olkhon is rich in garnets, though they are not valued there, considered simple nature formations. The real treasures are on the island. Sparse undersized pines grow here. Pine needles are long, of Ural malachite colour, very dense - trunk is almost hidden under them. It is a sign of healthy climate on the island. Rocks, covered by colourfull lichen, also indicate air purity. The climate is warm and dry, precipitation constitutes just 200 millimeters a year. The ground is sandy, there grow steppe grasses, many of which are relic. The forests are of pine and larch. The sounds of susliks and chirping grass-hoppers are very good for the health. There is a lake with healing waters in the southern part of the island that is still almost unknown. On the other hand, the bay and the rocks of Burkhan are well-known by everybody. This natural ensemble is in the top nine of the most sacred places of shamanists. It is the earth palace of the Lord. There is a remarkable mountain - Zhima. Baikal's deepest point (1670 meters above the sea level) was located right in front of it, ten kilometers from the shore. Spruce grove grows on the mountain. Genghis Khan came here "by dry foot"; his mother was born there, over the Bolshoye Sea in Barguzin valley. "By dry foot" means by shore. Buryats have a belief that in those times Olkhon was connected with the eastern coast. It is proved that underwater mountain range stretches from the northern end of Olkhon to the Ushkanii islands. Water is only 200 meters deep over it - almost shoal for Baikal: Sandy beaches of the western shore of Olkhon are remarkable. Just water is cold, by other parameters - better than Antalya. These places have two main sights: the Uzurskaya Cave and the passage out of the Maloye Sea under Olkhon rock. Ringed seal gets there to have a rest on the stones. The Uzurskaya Cave is famous because of many facts. In 1990 American composer Paul Winther desired to perform a part of his Baikal symphony right there. From the threshold of the cave there is such a perspective of Baikal --it is hard to find similar view anywhere else. The widest area of the sea - almost 100 kilometers - is before one's eyes. To the left is the southern part of Baikal mountain range with snow its slope. One of the greatest rivers of the world - Lena - begins there. At this place Paul was playing with such an inspiration than anywhere else at Baikal. Oh, how rich you are, Olkhon, with the diversity of life, beauty, purity, health! Olkhon, that divided Baikal into two seas! Based on publications from "Wanderings time"